Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity

Analytical Index to the

Directory for the Application of Principles
and Norms on Ecumenism

by Rev. Bernard de Margerie
(founder of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism)

Numbers refer to paragraph numbers in the DAPNE text, except where noted otherwise. If you have any corrections or comments regarding this or any other publication, please send e-mail to . Print copies of the DAPNE text are available from the CCCB Publications Service or your local Roman Catholic bookstore. It is also available on the Vatican website and from numerous other Catholic online archives.

DAPNE is correctly cited as:

Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism. (Vatican: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1993). https://ecumenism.net/?id=11.

This index may be cited as:

de Margerie, Bernard. Analytical Index to the Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on Ecumenism (Saskatoon: Prairie Centre for Ecumenism, 1993). https://ecumenism.net/?id=5.

Apostolic See
  • Role of the -- , regarding ecumenism and ecumenical norms and ultimate decisions, n. 29
  • calls for commitment to the search for unity, n. 22
  • theology and ecumenical dimensions of -- , nn. 92-101
  • dialogue regarding significance and valid celebration of -- at local / regional levels is most important, n. 94
  • common commemoration of -- , n. 96
  • ecumenical celebration of -- , n. 97
  • godparents at -- , n. 98
  • inquiry regarding valid celebration of -- , n. 99
  • Common -- work, nn. 183-186
  • role of -- in ecumenism, n. 4, 30-31, 39-40
  • role of -- regarding Communion, nn. 14
  • -- and sects, n. 36
  • -- to give prudent encouragement regarding ecumenism, nn. 30-31
  • -- to issue directives regarding ecumenical formation, n. 55
  • Ecumenical cooperation in -- , nn. 188-190
  • -- , means of ecumenical formation, n. 61
Catholic Universities
  • -- in the Catholic Church, Chapter III
Cautions/Caveats/Warnings, etc.
  • (against deviations)
  • -- regarding doctrinal confusion/indifferentism, n. 6b
  • warning against indifferentism and proselytism, n. 23
  • constant and careful discernment needed, n. 30
  • serious preparation needed for ecumenical work, n. 40
  • -- against prejudice and ill-considered initiatives, n. 71
Christian Councils
  • nn. 166-171
  • the -- as Communion, nn. 12-17
  • faith in the mystery of the -- , n. 9
  • particular -- , n. 6a (and note 8)
  • the -- and its unity in the plan of God, nn. 11-12
  • the -- as Communion, nn. 13-17
  • the one -- of Christ "subsists" in the Catholic Church, n. 17
  • fullness of -- unity subsists in the Catholic -- , n. 18
Churches (Particular)
  • Communion, and the one Church of Christ, present in the -- , nn. 13-15
  • mission of -- , n. 15
Churches and Ecclesial Communities (not in full communion with the Catholic Church)
  • usefulness of this Directory to -- , n. 5
  • their significance and value, n. 104b
Code of Canon Law
  • canon 755: promotion of unity, n. 39
Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches
  • canons 902-904-1: promotion of unity, n. 39
  • coherent Catholic direction required in ecumenical initiatives, n. 28
  • coherent ecumenical engagement required in the Catholic Church, n. 54
  • common growth and maturing, n. 55
College of Bishops
  • role of the -- regarding ecumenism, ecumenical norms and ultimate decisions, n. 29
  • the role of the -- in promoting ecumenism, n. 39
  • the Church as -- , nn. 12-17
  • this -- , realized in particular Churches, n. 13
  • by nature, the -- of the Church is universal, n. 14
  • -- within the particular Churches and between them, n. 16
  • the Catholic -- of the Church, n. 17
  • "certain" -- , n. 18
  • -- within Catholic Church is reinforced by coherent ecumenical engagement, n. 54
Communion (certain, though imperfect)
  • Other Churches and ecclesial Communities retain a certain -- with the Catholic Church, n. 18
  • Such -- is basis for mutual openness and respect, n. 36
  • -- of the ecumenical situation, nn. 30-34
  • opportunities and requirements of ecumenical activity are different at various church levels, n. 26
  • the sacrament of -- and current discipline for those joining the full communion of the Catholic Church, n. 101
Councils of Churches
  • nn. 166-171
Dialogue with Other Religions
  • Ecumenical cooperation in the -- , n. 210
Diocesan Ecumenical Commission or Secretariat
  • could be set up by several dioceses grouped together, n. 42
  • nn. 42-44
  • importance of contacts with parishes, religious orders and associations of lay people, n. 43
Diocesan Ecumenical Officer
  • n. 41
  • Christian unity constructed and shown forth in -- , as well as the pain of division, n. 27
  • aim of the -- , n. 6
  • usefulness of this -- to Churches and ecclesial Communities not in full communion with the Catholic Church, n. 5
  • -- of the ecumenical situation, nn. 30-34
  • rich -- within the unity of the Church, n. 16
  • solemn pledge of the Roman Catholic Church to respect legitimate -- , n. 20
  • among Christians: assessment of those -- in relation to unity, n. 18
  • pain of -- felt, n. 27b
Doctrinal Formation
  • -- of ordained ministers, nn. 72-82
  • in the study of doctrine, distinctions to be made, n. 74
  • ecumenical aspects to be stressed in all theological disciplines, n. 76
  • comparative study required in all subjects, n. 78
  • specific course in ecumenism, in first cycle, n. 79
  • -- of ministers and collaborators not ordained, nn. 83-84
Eastern Catholic Churches
  • their responsibilities in promoting ecumenism, n. 39
Eastern Churches
  • n. 18 (and note 28)
Ecclesial Communities
  • -- are in certain communion with the Catholic Church, n. 18
Ecclesiastical Faculties
  • Role of -- in ecumenical formation, n. 88
Ecumenical Commission(s)
  • Diocesan -- , nn. 42-44
  • -- of Episcopal Conferences, nn. 46-47
  • -- of Synods of Eastern Catholic Churches, nn. 46-47
Ecumenical Cooperation
  • Basis for -- , nn. 161-162
  • Forms and structures of -- , nn. 163-165
  • Councils of Churches and Christian Councils, nn. 166-171
  • -- in Institutes of higher studies, nn. 191-203
Ecumenical Dialogue
  • nn. 172-182
Ecumenical Education - see Ecumenical Formation
Ecumenical Engagement
  • prerequisites to -- , n. 24
  • specific opportunities and requirements for -- , at various levels, n. 26
Ecumenical Experience
  • -- in the formation of ordained ministers, n. 82
  • -- in the formation of ministers and collaborators not ordained, nn. 85-86
Ecumenical Formation
  • -- in the Catholic Church, Chapter III
  • necessity and purpose of -- , n. 55
  • adaptation of -- to the concrete situation of persons, nn. 56-57
  • means of -- , nn. 59-64
  • suitable settings for -- : nn. 65-69
    • family, n. 66
    • parish, n. 67
    • school, n. 68
    • groups, associations, ecclesial movements, n. 69
Ecumenical Movement
  • urgent need for greater participation by the whole People of God in the -- , n. 3
  • a movement of ecclesial faith, hope and charity, n. 9
  • response to the gift of God's grace, nn. 9, 22
  • Catholics encouraged to become involved in the -- , nn. 9-10, 23
  • aims and activities of the -- , n. 19
  • triple obedience sought in the -- , n. 30
  • participation in the -- in countries with large Catholic majority is crucial, n. 32
  • spiritual -- , n. 25
  • -- inscribed in the consciousness of the Catholic Church, n. 21
Encouragement to Catholics (to move on ecumenism)
  • stated intent of DAPNE is to motivate, enlighten and guide -- n. 6a
  • -- in the form of spiritual ecumenism, n. 25
  • -- to Catholics to become involved in the ecumenical movement., nn. 9-10, 23, 30, 34
  • mutual -- between Catholics, n. 34
  • strong encouragement to religious orders, n. 50
  • all called to make a personal commitment, n. 55
  • very strong paragraph on the parish, n. 67
  • strong invitation to bishops, priests and deacons to acquire an authentically ecumenical disposition, n. 70
Episcopal Conference(s)
  • -- can facilitate ecumenical action at regional/national level, n. 28
  • Ecumenical Commissions of -- , nn. 46-47
  • general role of -- in fostering the ecumenical movement., nn. 28, 39-40
  • -- and sects, n. 36
Eucharistic Concelebration
  • -- with ministers of other Churches and ecclesial Communities, n. 104e
  • how Catholics believe the mystery of the Church, n. 17
Full Communion
  • coming "into full Catholic communion", n. 99
  • entering -- and Confirmation, n. 101
  • -- in ecumenical efforts, n. 23
  • pedagogy of -- required, n. 56
  • -- in ecumenical formation, n. 57
"Hierarchy of truths" (in Catholic doctrine)
  • the -- , always to be respected, n. 75
Holy Spirit
  • principle of the Church's unity, n. 11
  • nn. 6b, 23
Liturgical Texts
  • common -- , n. 187
  • -- , a means of ecumenical formation, n. 62
Ministers and collaborators not ordained
  • ecumenical formation of -- , nn. 83-86
Missionary activity
  • ecumenical cooperation in -- , nn. 205-209
Mixed Marriage
  • nn. 66, 143-160
New Religious Movements
  • nn. 35-36
  • -- and the role of Bishops, Synods of Eastern Catholic Churches and Episcopal Conferences, n. 36
Non-sacramental Liturgical Worship
  • sharing in -- , nn. 116-121
Ordained Ministers
  • ecumenical formation of -- , nn. 70-82
  • -- to act with faithfulness, n. 71
Organizations of Catholic Faithful
  • -- and the development of the ecumenical aspect of their activities, n. 52
  • -- should be encouraged to be involved in ecumenism, n. 45
  • the -- , place of authentic ecumenical witness, n. 67
Pastoral cooperation
  • -- in special situations (hospitals, prisons, etc.), n. 204
Permanent Ecumenical Formation
  • n. 91
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
  • nn. 6 (note 7), 53-54
  • -- in common, nn. 108-115
  • -- in common recommended during Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and between Ascension and Pentecost, n. 110
Prayer for unity
  • -- essential to spiritual ecumenism, n. 25
  • -- to be intensified at certain times, n. 62
  • -- to be fostered, n. 62
  • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, n. 110
  • -- , a means of ecumenical formation, n. 60
Prerequisites (to work in ecumenism)
  • -- required on the part of Catholics to carry out their ecumenical responsibilities, n. 24
  • serious preparation needed, n. 40
  • n. 23
"Reception" (as a technical term & specific reality)
  • nn. 178-182
  • a certain -- in sharing in spiritual activities and resources, n. 105
  • -- of respect for each and all churches' disciplines, n. 107
  • service of Christian unity at the regional level, nn. 37-40
Religious Orders/Congregations/Societies of Apostolic Life
  • -- and their role in the service of Christian unity, nn. 49-51
  • reasons for this -- , nn. 2-3
Sacramental life, especially the Eucharist
  • sharing in -- with members of the various Eastern Churches, nn. 122-128
  • sharing in -- with Christians of other churches and ecclesial Communities, nn. 129-136
  • nn. 35-36
Sharing Spiritual Activities and Resources
  • principles regarding -- , nn. 102-107
  • description of -- , n. 103
  • concrete situations regarding -- , nn. 137-142
Social and Cultural Life
  • ecumenical cooperation in -- , (various aspects) nn. 211-218
Specialized Ecumenical Institutes
  • Role of -- in ecumenical formation, n. 90
Spiritual Ecumenism
  • -- defined, n. 25
  • -- in relation to spiritual life, n. 63
Spiritual Life
  • -- , a focus for ecumenical formation, n. 63
Synod(s) of Eastern Churches
  • -- can catalyze ecumenical movement at regional/national level, n. 28
  • -- and sects, n. 36
  • general role of -- in the promotion of the ecumenical movement., nn. 39-40
  • Ecumenical Commissions of -- , nn. 46-47
  • the holy and living -- , source of initiative in the Church, n. 57
  • -- of the Church in the plan of God, nn. 11-12
  • the Holy Spirit, principle of Church's, n. 11
  • -- in rich diversity, n. 16
  • fullness of -- retained in, subsists in, the Catholic Church, n. 18b
  • definition of -- , n. 20
  • concern for the -- of the Catholic Church and concern for deeper communion with other Christian churches are inseparable, n. 57
  • the "grace of -- ", n. 58b
Week of Prayer (for Christian Unity)
  • Prayer in Common recommended during the --, n. 110
Word of God
  • hearing and studying the -- , a means of ecumenical formation, n. 59